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Welcome to my blog !

Hey guys !

Created this space years and years ago thus do forgive
me if it comes off as extremely cheesy. And the incredibly
tacky name. Haha, I get chills everytime I lay eyes on it.
Too lazy to change things though !

I love to write, so have kept myself updating over the years.
I hope you guys enjoy reading me ! ♥

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  • Calvin and Hobbes. I'm not shrinking !
  • 9 April 2007
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    Spiderman |||

    Thursday, May 03, 2007
    11:03 AM

    It's been some time.

    Watched Spiderman last night and I loved it !

    Hai... it was worth all the $9.50 I payed.

    The movie wasn't Titanic, but still, I think it was perfect.

    Perfectly stunning.

    They actually managed to squeeze the entire movie into the 2 hours + !

    It was everything you could want in a movie. Never was there a dull moment.
    Most who caught the movie ( this is including all the little reviews I recieved in school today ), went on about how Tobey McGuire wasn't very good looking.
    Most of them added that his best friend aka Green Goblin Jr was much cuter !

    Well, I think that Peter Parker was perfect.

    So... he's not very tall...

    So... he doesn't have a headful of thick hair...

    So... he gets a little egoistic at times...

    But he's just so... CUTE- when he was holding the flowers and had his hair all combed back with that thick gel. LOL. They really showed him as a person in this one.

    Correct already la. Must show his vulnerable side ma ! He is person also !

    Haha... I never really thought I would be watching Spiderman in this way. I always thought.

    You know everytime I saw the poster of Spiderman from like months ago... I'd be thinking. I wonder if I'll be watching it with... you know. And if we'd both be in Poly ! That would be so great. I mean if we got into Poly.

    That was when I was worrying day and night about my O's results.

    Everytime I saw the poster or walked pass the Spiderman countdown thingy in Somerset, my heart would skip. It's in May ! I wonder if I'd be schooless then ! I wonder if everyone will be watching it after school and I'd be the only one... no school. No mood to watch Spiderman.

    And it's May now ! Haha.

    We're ALL in Poly ! ( and some JC la ) It wasn't so hard was it?

    Haha. It's ironic.

    Time flies and we always find ourselves worrying about the least important matters.

    When does life ever turn out the way we thought it would?

    Still, I had a really fun time watching it with my closest friends.

    We never know what exactly we have till they're gone !

    Suddenly, Elaine looks more and more adorable with each passing day !


    The beautiful black suit. Lol. I couldn't help but think- it was really tight.

    The sweetest thing.

    On today.

    It's the day after Labour Day and I am at home feeling tired after a long day in school.

    Today, was a good day. Lol. I had to do a presentation for a tutorial. A presentation I had yet to start on when I stepped into Singapore Poly. The night before, I was busy rushing through homework for my Law tutorial. All thanks to Spiderman, which ended at like 10pm.

    So, in the midst of rushing through my law tutorial work, I asked around to see if anyone had good ideas for an event. That was what I had to present.

    All that while, I kept Jun Wen's idea of having a Cosplay event and ZiQi's National Ralley thing at the back of my mind. Backup ma. Haha. If I really was all idea-ed out then can use theirs.

    Luckily !!! At the very last moment, I asked a certain someone, who's idea I did not think I would be using. He proposed a Drifting event of some kind.

    I was quite skeptical. Huh. Like Tokyo Drift ar. So extreme.

    Then he suggested again... Toy Fair?

    Hm... it was do-able. A Toy Fair.

    I picked up the idea and started on it during Law lesson this morning in class.
    ( Thus, I did not listen to one word of what the lecturer said in Law today. )

    In less than two hours, my presentation was complete ! Went on to present it in and lecture.
    This certain lecturer, has quite an effect on students.

    His famous line on women- Just Love. Don't try to understand, has seeped into all our little heads.

    I digress. I think womem ( or girls ) should be understood and are fully capable of being understood. You just have to look a little deeper.

    Anyway, back to the presentation. With a thumping heart ( yes. 20 people in class and I had a thumping heart ), I made made my way to the front of the class and presented my 15 slides.

    I had exactly three minutes to do it.

    The three minutes felt like one.

    At the end of the presentation, my lecturer asked from the very back of the room,

    " This Toy Show, Toys R Us, they've done something similar right? ".

    I went on to say how mine is of a much different scale. If done, it would be big, if not huge.

    It would be like the PC show on toys.
    He looked very much un-impressed. I quickly detached my laptop and hugged it back to my seat.

    Then my lecturer called at me again,

    " Rachael, I believe if given the chance, people would actually buy your idea ".

    Yay ! At that very moment I was thinking, THANK YOU JIA HAO !

    Because he was the one who came up with that idea however simple it was.
    Eh ! It's hard to actually think of something when you really are made to do it !

    La la la la. I am brilliant. So is Jia Hao.
    Wow. This is a really long post. I stun even myself.
    ps: Poly's hard but I think I can pat myself on the back cause I'm handling it very well !
    Yay to today ! Nobody should be made upset !

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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