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Welcome to my blog !

Hey guys !

Created this space years and years ago thus do forgive
me if it comes off as extremely cheesy. And the incredibly
tacky name. Haha, I get chills everytime I lay eyes on it.
Too lazy to change things though !

I love to write, so have kept myself updating over the years.
I hope you guys enjoy reading me ! ♥

Previous posts.

  • AKL !
  • CNY 2013-
  • Birthday 2012.
  • Unofficially grad !
  • Sick feeling in my stomach that I'm gonna fail m...
  • Random photobooth
  • One with the girls !
  • Shopping.
  • Paddlepop.

  • Archives.

    April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 May 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 February 2009 April 2009 May 2009 September 2009 October 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013

    AKL !

    Tuesday, May 07, 2013
    11:05 PM

    Awww ! Its been so long since I last saw this woman, suddenly felt like I really miss her !

    Haha we've been seeing each other in school for like the what- past four years?? Feels a little sad that we won't be seeing each other in the new school term. NOT MISSING SCHOOL THOUGH.

    I even miss how mellow she is ! Some days she can just stroll in, say nothing, plop next to you and after an hour go 'I'm going bye'. Haha ! A few times I've found myself wishing she had a little more enthusiasm or at least like energy la. Now its just funny when I think how she's so damn chillllllllll

    Can't wait to see her and the others this week ! Grill her on her life now. Hahahah. >:)

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    ps. If you're reading this KL I didn't bother to find another better photo and lucky I snapped this pic from your cam when I camnapped it BECAUSE I know you're never gonna upload any!

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    Tuesday, April 30, 2013
    10:16 PM

    Hi people !

    BKK again, 2nd time this year? Or 1st, can't really remember, but there are alot more photos from March's trip and the coming, haha. I'm just soooooo lazy and slow with them !

    Just picked out some random photos- mostly of food food food- really. Is there anything else that matters?

    Kicking the post off with probably one of the bestest bestest thing from BKK- it's sticky rice !!!

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    Nomnomnomnomnom. This is soooooooooo good. A MUST have at Chatuchak ! Just look at it !

    Oh and can I say I LOOOOOVE my camera? I've never been able to get it right with cameras, always producing substandard photos. Finally. A camera I can have to love and to hold. Mmmmmmmmmm wo ai ni !

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    Very poor doggy from JJ's adoption drive thingy. To have to sit on the high stool all day. ):

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    Hotel room at Pratunam. Have stayed here twice this year so far and I didn't really like it at first but it's really grown on me. I try to go back there when I can cause it's sooooooo cheap???

    Something really funny and embarrassing happened on my first stay there, I'll share another time ! Lol ! No time to elaborate now.

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    Awwww qt why you shoooo cute with your funny hair. Haha !

    I alwaaaaaaays have BBQ cravings at BKK. Actually. I need it in SG too but maybe cause it's cheaper there? And after a loooooong day at work. Seriously, BBQ is the way to go.

    And the day's indeed long there. I don't know how I can do so much in one day. Sometimes I feel like we've been walking for hours on end but it will only be like 2pm??? Not that I'm complaining though (:

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    Most dangerous ride I've ever taken in my life.

    So many times the tuktuk drivers tried to whizz pass oncoming traffic !! All the illegal Uturns, I like to think I'm a pretty brave person but I kept going omgomgomgomgi'mgoingtodiei'mgoingtodie idon'twanttodieidon'twanttodie. I'm not exaggerating leh ! I think the likelihood of a collision, a car ramming into the tiny tuktuk was 80%. At least. Someore he can be so happy and excited about it ! Want to die already still not scared.

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    One of the places we both love in BKK. Made the effort to return to this cute little cafe all the way out at Major Ratchayothin.

    The place just feels so local a nice break from the usual areas. I really like it cause it feels kindof surreal? I keep feeling like I won't be coming back here anymore and it gets me all melancholic. HAHA IDK WHY.

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    Haha act cute but fail.

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    Mmmmmmmmmmm Korean bbq twice in the short time we were there. Heaven. 

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    Ending off with Somtam and a very ahma photo of myself thank you.

    Haha a big goodbye to April and more strength to anyone's who's having their exams this coming Month. You can do it ! 

    Goodnightyyyy !

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    CNY 2013-

    Thursday, March 07, 2013
    10:13 PM

    Helloeeiii !

    Photos from the NY this year, hate to be a broken record but- can't believe how FAST time flies.

    Man. I can barely remember what happened in January and it's already March now.

    Better times always, better times always ya !

    Short flight tomorrow to lug lots of stuff back, so excited !!!!! A get away anywhere is good, but bkk always gets me really excited.

    Okay, photos !

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    Took photos at the very same spot last year, think its gonna become a customary thing. (:

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    New year nailzzz !

    Still going strong now but their faces are becoming so loooong hahahhahahaha

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    Young cuzsss during chuxi !

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    V day ! 

    Still ever so thrilled to have him over, I like the thought of being still asleep whenever he comes over so I don't have to wait to see him but I bolted awake that morning long before he rang the doorbell. Hahaha ! Like a mushy.

    And I thought it was kind of nice that V day fell on CNY this year, it's like. Doesn't it take the pressure off a little cause you don't have to do THAT MUCH on the day cause everyone else isn't? Like. If it wasn't CNY, people all around would have these BIG plans for V day, big V day dinner, surprises bla bla, so stress. If never do much will feel like loser. Haha !

    But cause it fell on CNY everything felt more chillx, less pressure. Ladeeda !

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    Came back in time for Zouk with the alcoholics right before CNY ended. I love these people. Hahahaha I think we appointment each other 1 month in advance for this. Seems customary for us to party on every occasion too. Yay cause I love traditions !

    Come to think of it, I think these fellows go every other day- hahahaha my quota's maybe three times a year cause I'm just lousy.

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    And definitely my favourite photo of the night. The photobooth was sooo cute no???

    Love it love ittttt !

    More photos from the land of smiles soon, big things ahead everyone !!

    Have a merry March !

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    Birthday 2012.

    Wednesday, February 27, 2013
    10:40 PM

    It's 2013 !

    Gonna make this a busy busy blog and I'll start doing that with my long overdue birthday post before I can move on to anything else.

    It's been soooo many months so I'll breeze through it. (:

    You know how some occasions can turn into alot of pressure and expectations, last year was really just alot of silly good fun. (: I hope every year's like that !

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    Surprised me with jar cakes from Grim Affiars I'd wanted to try for the longest time. They were so pretty ! Tasted okay only though.

    Had a hard time sleeping that night like one childish only. Haha ! It happens to me alot still, sometimes even if I'm meeting friends the next day, I can't sleep. Hahahaha like ah siao

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    Woke up bright and early the next day with no idea where we were headed. Was told to dress for a picnic and my heart kind of fell when he told me were were going to the Bird Park.

    Halfway through the ride he told me to open the wrapped gift, it was a homemade frame and there were like a few lego characters in it. The first one I saw was Buzz Lightyear and I certain we were heading to Universal Studios.

    Haha ! Sorry I abit slow. I only made the connection when I saw we were at the Tuas checkpoint. Obviouslyyyy it was Legoland. Hehehe totally okay with that cause I love roadtrips !

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    Hiding the directions from me.

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    Game booth costing RM20 for 1-2 throws. So expensive can ! Perfect for cheating guy's money.

    We were so childish there queueing for kiddy rides and all. Haha ! There was a driving school and I was kinda disappointed that it was only for kids. Why like that !

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    Trying out our towers with the shake meter thingy. Mine's on the left- can't believe I lost.

    We spent a good 15 minutes there stacking and testing our towers. Cheap thrills haha !

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    Super the keychain so cutezzz.

    I was actually quite impressed with Legoland as it was in Malaysia so I was expecting it to be more... slipshod? But it was pretty okay ! The finishings were good, and the rides were cute enough.

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    Returned back to Singapore for dinner, hahahaha I tell you something. I loveeeeee to guess surprises even if its just a simple Where's our dinner gonna be at. It's all part of the fun right !

    Was headed to the Dempsey area and I was convinced he was gonna bring me to the Prime Society for a steak dinner or something like that. I love meat.

    I was all I knew it I knew it ! And along the trip I kept ranting to him about how I would have loved a Korean BBQ dinner, how much I love Korean BBQ, we could even have had in in JB, so yummy and Prime Society confirm v expensive one blah blah.

    Haha ! What kind of girlfriend am I really, when he had already made reservations.

    Was gonna meet the girls the next day for my Birthday dinner so I told him I wanted to run over to Chang's to check out there BBQ menu. Could perhaps go there the next day.

    Hehe ! Alas he told me to enter cause that was where he made reservations for ! The mind readerrrr !!! 

    No really. You know me so well what would I do without you ),: 

    I was so thrilled man. Despite the number of sore throats Korean BBQ has given to me, I still lovelovelovelove it. 

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    And that's it ! ♥ I know it's way overdue but thank you. (:

    It was a good year and I hope 2012 was good to you too, 2013 will be even better !

    It's already going to be March and I can't wait to plan for your birthday ! Hehehe.

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