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Welcome to my blog !

Hey guys !

Created this space years and years ago thus do forgive
me if it comes off as extremely cheesy. And the incredibly
tacky name. Haha, I get chills everytime I lay eyes on it.
Too lazy to change things though !

I love to write, so have kept myself updating over the years.
I hope you guys enjoy reading me ! ♥

Previous posts.

  • AKL !
  • CNY 2013-
  • Birthday 2012.
  • Unofficially grad !
  • Sick feeling in my stomach that I'm gonna fail m...
  • Random photobooth
  • One with the girls !
  • Shopping.
  • Paddlepop.

  • Archives.

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    Angels sing.

    Wednesday, December 21, 2011
    3:09 AM

    Nights alone are so far and few these days, have forgotten how to put myself to sleep. Lol !

    It's 3am, and once again I'm left with nothing else to do but still I'm not going to bed. Hehe. Thus, sudden inspiration to blog.

    Christmas is so close ! I didn't even realize it. Thought there was at least another week to go or something, but it's just the end of this week !! Tuesday, today's Tuesday right. No. Wednesday already.

    And I did not prepare anything to wear for the season. ),:

    Oh well. Shall think of something. Mad dash. It's the worst thing to HAVE to buy something new because of an occasion. You can never find anything.

    I asked the boy today why is it people talk about the X'mas shopping so much, and if Singaporeans really give out X'mas presents. He said it's probably parents getting gifts for their kids.

    I've been seeing people commenting about rushing their X'mas shopping, and was feeling really left out and Chinese. Haha ! Why Chinese ah?

    Beats me, but to not be able to get into the festivities by shopping for gifts just feels so... asian?

    Why this mentality, when I do have pending gifts to get. Aha ! See ! I'm actually quite angmoh also. Got Christmas shopping to do.

    Which brings me to remember, he asked me too if I would like to go back to church this X'mas, totally took me aback. Bit heartwarming too but more guilty than anything.

    We are super backsliders. And to think I'm always asking God for stuff every night. Aeeeiii.

    Oh well.

    Still, it's one of the sweetest times of the year, what with the tra lalalalas going on everywhere. ((:

    Merry Christmas one and all. (:

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    Happy birthday TSY !

    Friday, December 02, 2011
    1:46 PM

    So, theother day was Siying's 21st.

    Her sister had been planning this surprise party for her, and her reaction was the funniest.

    When the door opened and we all yelled SURPRISE !, she looked like she would have liked to crawl into a hole or something. You can probably tell from the expression below. Haha !

    Hehe, Happy birthday Miss Tan !

    Oh, and the theme was bunnies, this girl loves her bunnies, but I'm not gonna elaborate on that or else she'd probably kill me.






    Who has red eggs these days???! That lucky girl.

    Abit regretful that I didn't have one that day, have never had one before !!


    And her mom was such a sweetheart, she prepared so much yummy food !!

    If my mom could cook braised pork belly like that, I'd be gaining weight in no time.


    An embarrassing 21st birthday video dedicated to her. Eh Siying ! Must appreciate okay ! We all cracked our heads over it !


    We celebrated her birthday in two parts.

    Headed to RWS a few days after for a sleepover.

    Had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe and the food was so much better than I remembered it.


    Short of Elaine and Ziqi but 9 years ! Man ! We've probably spent more than 40 birthdays together combined.



    The ears are all turned down cause before that we wanted to use them to cover our eyes but FAIL.

    Aren't the photos pretty?? Hehehehehe.


    Once again, we hope you had a memorable one, and many many many more birthdays to come !

    Lol, ka ching.

    Tooodleeyyooo darlings !

    Fridays fridays ! I love Fridays !!

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    Hehehehe thanks monkey head!! :D great post!

    By Anonymous Tsy, at 11:38 PM  

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    My warped mind.

    Thursday, December 01, 2011
    1:32 AM

    I eat breathe worry about the online store on a daily basis nowadays. And of course countless other trivial matters like whether if the bubble tea I'm going to buy later's gonna give me a sore throat or diabetes- but that's besides the point.

    Sometimes when it's doing really well, I abhor the hectic-ness and totally dread the workload and never seem to be contented with the money.

    When it's not doing so well, I fret and fret over what I'm doing wrong.

    I guess it doesn't help that I handle stress terribly and am probably the most disorganized person you will ever come across, but I dare say I perform the best at last minutes.

    Have constantly been toying with the idea of getting a model recently, ruts always takes meaning out of things for me no matter how much I loved it in the first place.

    Would love to have the girl everybody's been seeing on blogshops lately T, she's so pretty and has such an ang moh vibe can !

    Plus these other girls would fit into the clothes so much better and I would save myself the agony of having to scrutinize and nitpick at the photos every week.

    But sadly, I'm damn stingy when it comes to money belonging to the business (unlike myself, who I dare say is generous to a fault, hahahahahahhaaha okay, or not), and who am I kidding, I love being in front of the camera !!

    Haha, that is. Until I step in front of it.

    Shooting's not the most easy thing in the world, especially when you have to lug the stuff around every single week, and when sales depends on it.

    It's so hard to separate ourselves from problems at times- or maybe that's just for me. Hate being excessively paranoid, feels like I'm mental on some days.

    I guess being forgetful and so easily distracted's a good factor to have to follow paranoia cause I never have to worry too long about any certain thing. Lol. 1 hour max. Haha !

    Oh ya ! Which brings me to theother day at the airport returning from Penang- I ended up drinking somebody's else's bottled water (I have no idea how that happened, HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO CARELESS?????). I fear such things the most, it's kind of crazy but my mind will like end up going into these frenzies and concoct the craziest ideas.

    My Dad even had the cheek to joke that he saw that it was an Indian man who sat on the table before us so the water probably belonged to him.

    Okay, I just realized that that must sound totally racist but that's NOT THE POINT !! Or maybe it is. No no no. Lol. I would have been as paranoid had he mentioned any other race, or. Okay. Just take it from a humorous standpoint okay. My Dad was trying to be funny. You know how Indian jokes are always funnier.

    Lol. Now that. Doesn't sound racist at all.

    Anyway, the point is !! I worried about drinking that water for like an entire hour from before entering the gates to boarding the plane, what the !!

    Will keep reminding myself of the line the boy brought up to me some time ago, I swear it really helps.

    Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but doesn't bring you anywhere.

    Since I'm a pretty logical and sensible person la dee da (or as I'd like to think), a line like this halts my thoughts from falling into an endless abyss of needless worrying- that is, if I am sane enough at that moment to even recall it.

    And I just remembered something so, digressing- when I was really young, someone, probably my mom told me God says you can't swear, so I never did and never asked people to swear.

    Like you know, go, you sure?? You swear !! Swear first !

    Come to think of it, I must have gotten it wrong right? The swear here probably meant like in vulgarities.

    Hmmmmm, gotta remember to check with someone about that.

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    Eh skali touchwood. The person unhealthy?? :S

    By Anonymous Tsy, at 11:39 PM  

    Eh you !! Lol !

    By Blogger rachael, at 1:35 AM  

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