7:45 PM
Yup. I didn't even realize that it's been one long month since I last blogged and I'm feeling so guilty !
Hm...Actually no la. I did realize that it's been a long month since I last blogged and there's no reason why I should be feeling a sense of guilt of any kind.
*3 secs go by quietly**momentary awkwardness*
*another 3 secs go by...*
What??? This sort of awkward moments always takes place when friends meet for the first time after... I don't know, say a long period of absence? Aiya, heck, enough of that la. Hehee! I'm back ! And I'm really distracted by my own blog's song. So noisy...If you havn't already realized, I uploaded a new song into my blog ! All hail Mika's Love Today !
Don't worry la. It won't be there for a long time. But long enough until I'm able to get that crazy tune out of my head la. What I'm trying to do here is to get you guys infected also. Hehee.
Let's all love today !
Anyways, let me start a little on how my month went.
Mmm Hmmm.
I'm sorry. I'm just brainstorming on ways to make a month of mundane work sound postively, frightfully, enviously exciting.
Lol. No la ! The truth is... my month has been nothing close to mundane ! Not even by half a millimetre.
Except for this Change job la. It gets quite sian when you're made to sit down for hours with no real work to do. But still, it pays. Haha. Plus, you get to look at all these entertaining foreigners who don't have an inking on how to fill up their white cards.
I helped a couple of them fill it up and I came across all this really interesting names. From Italian ones, to Japanese ones, to China ones.
There's only one name I remember... there was this little girl, Italian I think, going by the name of Milano Martina or something.
Okay. I think I got her first name wrong but it was something like that la. Martina Martini or what de. The name was so cute !!! Hehee.
The Japanese kids were the best. The little boys always had these long locks that cupped their cheeks, and these sun tanned look, wa pui ! And then I even saw this little boy who's maybe a little taller than my knee, wearing khaki skinnies and old school sneackers la ! I can really die.
You almost want to kidnap these kids and keep them for yourselves. Then everyday, you'll want to buy nice clothes for them to put on and pinch their perfect sunkissed cheeks.
Makes me wonder why Singaporeans seldom make an effort to dress their kids well. Doesn't mean because they're kids, no one's going to look at them what... hm.
This was the PC I was selling. Don't siao siao leh. I had to hold this for the entire day. So tiring la ! Never seen this sort of device before eh? Hehehe. Me neither. Was all wide eyed when I first saw it.
Or maybe I'm just sua gu.
Okay... then there's yesterday. It was Zi Qi's night la. Haha...
Went to catch Zi Qi's concert at RP.
Quite class right ? Not bad at all !
And over here, we have Zi Qi looking like a million bucks. Heh. Okay la. I don't exaggerate. Maybe just multi-million bucks.
Her parents should be so proud ! Hahaha...
Oh o ! And if you havn't caught Ratatouille, you should really go and catch it. Tomorrow, if not now.
I think that it's one of the best by Pixar so far...
Though Pixar's already got more than a handful animations they can be proud of, this one takes the cake. Hehe. I give it 5 stars !
Seriously, this cartoon hits you in all the right places la. A DVD just wouldn't do. The animation right... wl. Is really nothing short of terrific.
I checked, and the even lousiest rating given to the movie by those horrifying critics was a pleasing B. Yay !
Erm, it's actually a Disney Pixar film la. But then, I didn't mention Disney because, hai. I think that they wouldn't have been able to cough up something as perfect as Ratatouille without Pixar.
Well, I think that's about it ! These has to about 1/5th of what happened in the month but then again, I'm really too lazy to go into the 4/5ths that's left. This would just have to make do ba.
To all Poly people, let's enjoy what's left of our 2-3 weeks !
And to all JC and non Poly people, condolences, again.
Await my next post even if it's going to be another month away ! Hehee.
Bye bye !!!
Oh. And one more thing. Everybody, love today ! Love love me !!! Lol.