3:25 PM
More sushi again- and pizza too.
Next on the list... went to AJITEI with my mother and brother on Vesak day. These are only some of the things we had...
My brother really lion open big mouth one lo. Lol. You see that tomatoish thingy with that egg? It's actually crayfish. I asked him how it was and he told me it tasted like lobster...
Hmm. Last but not least, went to Ichiban a couple of days back. We had the set meal, and in my opinion, it was okay only la. Haha ! Plus we recieved complimentary sushis... don't ask us where it came from. I think we sort of schemed to get it. So us right? Lol.
Here's Si Ying and Mei Xian at Ichiban.
And there's Daisy, Wei Ting and me.
Hey... it's not that I don't have anything else that's interesting to write about okay... it's just that I really like showing you all the food I've been eating ! HAHA ! It's evil and it feels nice.
O oh !!! And there's something else too ! Lol. I feel so proud of myself by just saying it out.
I dyed my hair !!!
Hahahahaa... what la. I remember first telling a few of my friends that I was very tempted to dye my hair about two weeks back. I kind of knew myself that- you know- I just say say only. Then after that sure never do one. Haha... there was even this someone who tried provoking me into dyeing by telling me I'm afraid of change ar, I no guts ar, lol. I think it worked a little. Boo.
And out of the blue, WAHAHA ! I told them I did it ! Heheheee. I don't know what drove me to suddenly hop up that day and say, " I think I'll dye my hair !". I feel so accomplished. Hehee. I know I'm like making a mountain of a molehill but, hehee. Really la. My first time what.
I'm glad I did it. But I don't think I'll put any pictures here. Must see the real thing one what...
(someore everyone knows i'm so shy)
(eh eh. i think i look even more like the starlet that i should be now)
So happy when I heard Mei Xian they all saying it's nice.
' Zi Qi... Si Ying... felt so good when you all said it's quite nice ! Lol ! Cause you two are like so straightforward ! I even expected you two to give a disgusted face or something. Hahahhaa... '.
And I loved Mei Xian's and Wei Ting's reaction to it.
That's about all. Most of us are having term test next week and I don't even know which module's going to be tested first. Poly really isn't growing on me.
Also, ALL the photos taken here were taken by brilliant ME.
Waa. This post is really shorter than usual. I guess I'm one step closer to being less naggy.
p.s. After the two weeks break, I'm going to pon school less. And try not to oversleep on purpose. And be that good student that I am. Haha.
p.s. again. =)